August 1, 2022 - Weekly Update

Hey internet friend, welcome back to another weekly update post. If you want to just see the dog picture, click here. As I like to mention every week, Black Lives Matter! I originaly wrote that I didn't have much to write, then wrote a whole bunch of stuff. So unlike last week, I guess there is a fair amount I've got to share. Buckle up and let's get down to business! I want to start by sharing about my weekend, uneventful as it was.

Last weekend I once again had the goal of trying to relax. I spent most of the weekend on the comfy chair watching movies and taking naps with the dogs. Bruiser wants to sleep under the covers and Bark Twain sleeps in my wifes spot. I didn't think I would look forward to naps so much, but I guess that's part of getting older. Or perhaps it's a function of not sleeping well at night? I cannot say for sure.

Shifting gears from sleep to eating, I am making an effort to eat slightly better. My wife bought Raisin Bran and that's been my breakfast. This is twice as good because I used to not eat breakfast at all. Well, technically the first meal you eat in a day is breakfast (you know, breaking the fast), but eating in the morning isn't something I used to do. Not sure why I like to suffer, but perhaps it has to do with my upbringing. Although that is a discussion for a different time and day (or maybe never). Anyway a few months ago I started buying really cool things to eat for breakfast, just to get in the habit of eating. Now I'm trying to eat more reasonable food, hence the Raisin Bran.

Bark Twain had his first birthday over the weekend, yesterday to be exact. Unfortunately he still has to wear the cone because he keeps licking himself. I wish we could have let him take the cone off for his birthday, but he keeps licking himself. Both of his feet are good but the area where he got his "no puppy surgery" was starting to look bad again. On a totally unrelated note, it is interesting to as he gets older that he gets better at fetch. Bruiser was the same way. This morning Bark actually ran and caught one of the balls and brought it back. He didn't drop it, and he has chased down a ball or two in the past. However, I am glad to see that he is starting to understand better how to play the game. Bruiser was also not good at giving the balls back at first, so maybe Bark will get better over time. Unfortunately, because we live in the desert, we can only play once a day. This house is smaller than the last one, and there is not room to play in the house.

Last weekend was really humid and I gotta tell you, internet friend, I hate the humidity! We didn't move out here for that kind of heat. I am fine with dry heat, it doesn't really bother me all that much. But the choking feeling of humidity, that's another story!

Changing direction once again, it is interesting that I am close to finishing the book I am reading and the lecture series I am watching at the same time. As I mentioned in the review of the last book I read, I am going to be much faster about writing a review this time around. My biggest lesson learned is that waiting too long is a guarantee that it won't be fresh and my hot takes will be much more tepid. Who wants a lukewarm take?

I've mentioned the series a few times, but I am really enjoying this series that got posted to YouTube by this dude named Richard "Dick" Hamming. If you don't want to wait for the review and want to start checking out the series, the first video is here. Hamming is famous for any number of theories, as well as for being the person who pushed Brian Kernighan to lean on Dennis Ritchie to write the now famous (or classic) test "The C Programming Language" a book so famous some call it "The C Bible". It's also interesting to note that there is a computer science award called The Richard W. Hamming Medal named after him. Suffice it to say (or write), Hamming was a giant in the history of computer science. I've got much to share about the lessons I learned from watching his lecture series. There is more than enough for it's own post, so you should be on the lookout for that at some point in the future.

Now at this point I am getting close to having to start work, so I better finish the post here. I appreciate you taking the time to read this. I hope you have a very nice day and a great week. Cheers, internet friend!

Two dogs looking at the camera. One is wearing a cone, the other has his tongue out
Poor baby conehead

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