August 8, 2022 - Weekly Update

Hey internet friend, welcome back to another weekly update post. If you want to just see the dog picture, click here. As I like to mention every week, Black Lives Matter! I would rate this post as a medium-short one, so without much more further adieu, let's dive in.

I want to start by sharing about my weekend, uneventful as it was. I had the opportunity to take some time off work and two days later I got sick. Took a COVID-19 test and it was negative, and I am feeling less sick today. However, like most men I am a giant baby when I get sick and I feel really crummy. I've been spending a bunch of time sleeping in late and taking naps and the dogs have been napping with me. It helps but it stinks that I've got to spend my vacation trying to not be sick anymore. Oh well, you know the thing about spilled milk.... My wife also pointed out that sometimes when you go really hard and don't take enough breaks, your body forces you to take a break. She suspects that might be what happened here, but the volume of her voice was so loud I just had to change the subject real quick.

One thing I did before getting sick was started working on a little essay based on a Tweet I wrote. When scrolling through TikTok the other day I saw a video about Alexis de Tocqueville and the work "Democracy in America." In that book, de Tocqueville argued that the United States of America didn't have a class of aristocrats and it dawned on me (although I am certain to not be the first with this idea) that we got celebrties instead. Fleshing out this idea turned into three pages and no conclusion. However, I am thinking through the answer (or at least suggesting some) possible ideas. It's easy to be critical and not offer any solutions. Criticism is important work, but I would rather not just be critical and instead offer possible solutions. I'm hoping to finish that essay in the next few days, but I don't want to push too hard.

Getting sick caused me to spend a bunch of time sleeping and playing video games with my son. Upon return from the pacific northwest, "Kirby and the Forgotten Land" returned as well and we've been working our way through it. Kirby's "Dream Land" for the Gameboy was one of the first video games that I ever owned, and it is interesting to see how the game has evolved over the thirty years since first arriving.

Wow, it is hard to believe that it has been 30 years but 1992 was that long ago! I'm sure I am not the only one who feels like the 90s was only twenty years ago, but I digress.

There isn't much more that I have to report this week, internet friend. Rather than ranting about how things that didn't seem that long ago WERE that long ago, I think I will just end the post here. I hope you enjoyed it and that you have a very nice day and a great rest of your week. Cheers!

PS - for my friends that are going to be at DefCON this week, I hope y'all have a blast! Try to stay safe and have as much fun as possible, and then tell me all about it!

Two dogs lying next to one another, one dog with mouth open the other lying on his back, looking away
Two best friends

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