June 14, 2023 - weekly update

Hey internet friend, welcome back to this weekly update post. Although I've been thinking about changing it to the Fortnitely Update, as it seems I've only been updating every other week lately. Anyway, as I usually like to start these posts, remember that Black Lives Matter! Also, if you want to just see the dog picture, click here. I've been thinking about stuff, so this post might be a little longer than usual.

There have been a few things I've been thinking about lately. One is something that I am going to write a post about at some point in the future. I've been thinking about the philosopher Jean Baudrillard lately, specifically the idea of hyperreality. You can check out the wikipedia page for a better definition than I can give, but I have been thinking about this idea in the context of RuneScape 3 (which I've been playing hours and hours of lately, and I will call RS3 to save time going forward in this post).

To give you a very quick and rough idea, the problem is that I've been fishing in RS3. Why is that a problem? I am trying to come to terms with what it means to spend my weekend fishing in a game, and then cooking that food and either eating it or selling it to others. What does it mean to have a more real experience in a game than I can have in real life? Specifically, there aren't a ton of places that one can go and fish and catch and eat them without concern about the safety of the food. We've done a great job of mucking up our planet, but the world in RS3 does not have that problem.

So what does it mean to have a more real experience in a game than is possible to have (easily) in real life? What are the implications? I do not have any decent answers, but I am going to write about it because it's been bugging me lately.

Otherwise it's just been a bunch of grinding in RS3. As I mentioned, it's been a bunch of fishing because I am trying to get all my skills high enough to take advantage of these uncharted island maps sitting in my bank. Fishing and cooking are the last two skills that I need to raise and I am currently at 87 fishing and 90 cooking.

I've also been trying to do the daily reaper tasks so that I can save up the points. I had enough to buy the gem to create a Reaper necklace, and I am hoping to upgrade that later. Doing Reaper tasks is also cool because you might occasionally get a drop. I happened to have a piece of subjugation drop for a cool 10 million gold, which was excellent and unexpected. Plus you are pushed to try new bosses and some of them you can even kill!

That's all I have to report for now, internet friend. Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a very nice day and a most excellent week. Cheers!

Two dogs sleeping
Here are my office dogs, hard at work!

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