September 19, 2022 - Weekly Update

Avasst internet friend, welcome back to another weekly update post! Yo ho, yo ho, and a happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day to you! If you don't believe me, you can check out the Wikipedia page. If you want to just see the dog picture, click here. As I like to mention every week, Black Lives Matter! This will be a very short update, so let's just dive right in.

Two weekends ago, I finished another "Dude and the missing rugs" record. This was another electronic EP, and after I posted the original I realized that I didn't like the way the synths played together. I was able to re-upload the album and if you want to check it out, you can find it here. If you aren't interested, it's no big deal. It isn't my favorite recording - there are things about it that I would have done differently.

What I have decided is that the next record is going to be split electronic/guitar effort. I was going to split it right down the middle with half electronic tracks, half guitar, but perhaps I will blend it together more. Regardless, I am going to take additional time off to think about it before I start recording. I'm considering perhaps even doing more than one take, although IDK if that is in the spirit of the project. More to think about later.

Last weekend, I spent a bunch of time on Fortnite trying to grind and unlock Darth Vader, which I was able to do. Then yesterday the kid and I started playing the new season. We don't like it very much, but that's often how we feel at the beginning of a season. I am glad they got rid of the stuff from Dragonball-Z though, because honestly they were not fun to fight with or against.

Otherwise, I started playing Ruenscape 3 over the weekend. I have been looking for something like this for a while, and though I am not sure it will itch exactly the scratch I have, it will give me sometime to play while I think about whether I really want to get back into magic or not.

That's all I have to report this week, matey. I hope you have a nice day and a great week. Cheers!

Two dogs, one black and white chihuahua standing over a chocolate lab
Bruiser trying to be the big dog

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