June 13, 2022 - Weekly Update

Howdy internet friend and welcome back to my blog! It's another Monday and that means it is time for a weekly update. First off - Black Lives Matter! Second, if you want to skip to the dog pictures, you can just click here (although this post might be short enough you don't need to if you aren't on mobile). Third, I don't have a ton of stuff to write about this week, so expect a short(ish) update. With that, let's dive right in.

Very astute readers of the blog will notice some similiarities with the opening paragraph. That is because it was shamelessly liberated from the post I made last week (and brief parenthesis splashed in later for fun). It is all true, however, so like any dutiful programmer why not just reuse good (enough) code? It wouldn't be a weekly update if I didn't share what I did last weekend, so I will get on with it.

I had hopes of doing some soldering this last weekend but instead I spent a bunch of time in my comfy chair relaxing. To pause and interject briefly, I think it is very important to not go too hard and finding a balance is crucial. There was a long time where I was going hard every day trying to make music and/or find some way(s) to be productive. This weekend wasn't all laying around, and I did manage to muster up the energy to do a chore that my wife asked me to do, as well as a few other things around the house.

Perhaps instead of being upset with myself for not accomplishing more, I should be pleased with myself for taking the time to relax? I spent some time reading through Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance and every day I'm getting closer to finishing it. I'm slowly leaning more towards liking the book and have found some value from it. Though if I am being honest, I do not think that the praise lavished on it has held up to the test of time. I'll share more about that when I finish reading the book and write the subsequent review. I just wanted to give a small update about what I had been reading so far. I will add that it's interesting to read some of the philosophical positions that I held and felt were controversial were shared by the author (or the Phaedrus character), although maybe that's not a good thing.

Yet another weekend went by without playing any GTA Vice City and I am increasingly thinking that I should just abandon it and play the next game. However, I also didn't play any Fortnite this weekend, and I want to make sure that I grind enough to not need to buy the next Battlepass. I also want to unlock Darth Vader as a playable character too, and that requires level 100. Ultimately though, I think it is important to relax and take it easy on the weekend and not try to be going the entire time. I took a nap on the couch while watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and that was probably a good use of my time.

As time drifts on and I look at the clock, it appears I've only got ten minutes to edit this post and publish before work, so I will just end it here. Thanks for reading this far, I hope you found some value from it (or were at least briefly entertained). I hope you have a very nice day and a most excellent week. Cheers, internet friend!

Two dogs lying together
Can you tell they are best friends?

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