May 23, 2022 - Weekly Update

Howdy internet friend, and welcome back to my blog. I wanted to start by thanking you for taking the time to check out this page, and to write that Black Lives Matter! I don't suspect this will be a long post, but if you are viewing this on mobile and want to just hop to the picture of the dogs, click here. Alright, without any further adieu, I'm going to just get on with it and dive right in.

Last week I had a birthday and I wanted to share something with you that I learned this year. If you've had some bad birthdays in the past and decide that every birthday is going to be bad, you will find a way for it to be bad. Even if things happen that are good, I find it real easy to find things that are still bad. My wife told me about this thing called re-parenting. Essentially the way she described it to me is that for with bad childhoods, they can go back through and be the parent they wish they had. Perhaps that's not the right way to describe it. Let me rephrase it in terms of my recent birthday. Growing up I had a bunch of bad experiences on my birthday, so I approached this one thinking it was going to be bad. Next year, I'm going to go out of my way to think about it being good and try to heal from the bad ones. I have a feeling it will be much better than the last few have been, but I'll have to report back on that next year.

To be clear, this was still a good birthday. I do not want it to sound like it wasn't good. I've just been making an effort to do more self-examination lately and although I am making progress, I still have room to grow. I am grateful to have a group of friends from around the country who found time to send me messages and let me know they were thinking about me. It felt really good, and of course I am so grateful to have a family to spend time with that day.

I am also very grateful to have two beautiful dogs who both love me. Bruiser seemed to know what day was my birthday because he gave me extra hugs.

While I have been thinking about getting a Playstation 5 for quite some time, it was a combo of hearing that there is a newer version coming out plus the $850 pricetag for the system with disc player but no disc to play (!!!) that made me pass on going that route. Instead I got the three Grand Theft Auto games (GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas) that were ported to the Nintendo Switch and spent time this weekend playing Vice City, which was great fun. I tried to get a longboard from my local skate shop but they didn't have any. Chatting with the owner, he said he would get some in on Wednesday and I hope he does so I can cruise with Bruiser in the mornings again. My neighborhood is too precarious to ride with my biggest board and wheels, and I am hoping that the longboard will resolve that situation.

Anyway, that's about all I have to report this week. I am stil working through Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance and I am more decidedly going to write that review, as I have more and more thoughts on the subject that expand beyond musings in this weekly update post. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and as a reward enjoy this picture of my two good boiz. I hope you have a nice day and a most excellent week. Cheers!

Two dogs lying together
Two best friends

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