Howdy internet friend and welcome back to this weekly update post. This one isn't long, but if you are viewing on mobile and want to I want to start by saying that Black Lives Matter! In this post, I am going to share what I was up to last week, because it's a weekly update..... Off to a roaring start! Anyway, this week I have a picture of Bruiser only, because I love this one and I wanted to save it. What better place than Neocities?
Alright, how about that update? For the last few weeks I've been focused on trying to find a new job, and I got an offer last week. It's been driving a bunch of my focus and when the offer arrived I slacked off on my 100 Days Of Code journey. I am still planning on working on it, but I wanted to give myself a break and have some fun. When looking through my Steam library, I found that Eve Online finally works on Steam for my main machine so I started playing.
Eve is a game with a somewhat steep learning curve. I'm not one to shy away from a challenge though. I am also working on being easier on myself. It can be hard to make progress if you never allow yourself a break to see how far you have come. I think with grind culture it can be really easy to focus on working all the time. However, if you can't stop and smell the flowers every once in a while, you'll never appreciate hanging out in a garden.
In addition to playing a bunch of Eve, I've also been relaxing and watching movies. I might post later about what I saw and how I liked it, but for now I'm just allowing myself to relax.
There is probably more to report, but I'm just going to end early and hang out with my wife. I'm not going to rant about politics or anything, just going to drink more coffee and wish you a good day and a great week. Cheers, internet friend!