April 11, 2022 - Weekly Update

Howdy internet friend and welcome back to my weekly update posts. I want to start by saying that Black Lives Matter!

I'm going to try to keep it short this week, and click here to skip to the picture of the dogs. Over the weekend I had a spicy rant on Twitter that people didn't seem to like, and perhaps I was too harsh. I deleted it because I think it was probably a little too spicy, if I think about it. When being critical, it's important to not cast too wide a net and risk upsetting too many people. Unless that's your thing....

Otherwise I spent my weekend away from computers. I paused in my 100 Days Of Code quest because I don't want to burn out and make it something that isn't fun. I've previously written that there is no 100DOC police that are going to come bust you out if you don't do the challenge exactly a certain way. I'm pretty sure the goal is to get more people programming and since given how challenging a task it already is, do we need to make it more difficult?

Besides, I am mostly opposed to gatekeeping, and this instance is no exception. Instead of doing computer stuff this weekend, I spent time cleaning our house and watching movies. I watched the original and the 2049 versions of Bladerunner as well as Johnny Mnemonic - you could say it was a Philip K. Dick type of weekend. If you haven't read any of his books, I would recommend changing that as they are excellent!

I'm going to keep the update short this week because I want to drink coffee and hang out with my wife before work. I appreciate you taking the time to read this, I hope you have a great day and a most excellent week. Cheers, internet friend!

two dogs lying next to one another
Here they are being nice to each other, for once! Also, I don't remember why there is a flannel on the floor....

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