November 12, 2024

Hey there, internet friend. Wow, I didn't plan on taking most of the year off writing this blog, but things happened. Honestly, what really happened was diving deep into Ultima Online Outlands (a free server that has an older version of Ultima Online. If you are interested, you can check it out here, and going forward it'll be referred to as UOO) and leveling up a bunch of chacters, spending time farming, and more power leveling. It has been fun, but not really productive in terms of getting cool stuff done. If I am continuing the trend of honesty, I also wasted way too much time on Tik Tok this year. But I am going to remedy that.

One thing I am going to do is spend more time reading. Another thing is to make an active effort to post on social media and not just consume it. I've got ideas and things I feel need to be said, but I am not saying them. I think the time for silence is over. I've spent a lot of time thinking, it's time to talk about my thoughts.

There is more that I want to add and write about, but for now I am going to keep it short. I'll share more in future posts about what I've been up to, including a bunch of crap about UOO (to replace all the crap about RS3 that I used to write). I'm spending more time reading, so I want to write about that as well. But mostly I just need to work on flexing the writing muscle again. It's been too long without regular updates, and often if you don't train, your skills weaken.

That's it for now. Next week will have more stuff, including dog pictures. So check back for that, if you are interested. If not, that's cool too. Either way I hope you have a nice day and a great week. Cheers!

Two dogs sleeping on dog beds
Old dog picture - new one next time

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