Weekly Update - April 17, 2023

Hey y'all. It's been a few weeks since I posted an updated so I figured I better actually write one instead of putting it off for another week. As I like to start with, remember that Black Lives Matter! If you want to see the dog pictures you can click here. Alright now let's dive in.

You may have noticed that I shared an old posted here recently. That's because I was interviewed for a podcast and wanted to reference that piece. I will be sure to share a link when it is available. I was surprised that I hadn't managed to repost it, as it was something I was very proud of. Well, not "was", it is still something that I am proud of writing.

Turning to more fun stuff, I've been reading a bunch of stuff lately. I finished Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and recently started the follow-up The Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul and it has been really good! Dirk Gently was easily in the top five best book I've ever read. I am only about twenty pages into Teatime so I don't really have an opinon about it yet. I will say that it hasn't gripped me as tightly as Dirk Gently did, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been good.

I will write (say) that Douglas Adams is an amazing author and I have been greatly enjoying reading his stuff lately. If you've never read the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy you should do yourself a favor and check it out! Faithful readers of the blog will recognize that I've been reading a bunch of sci-fi lately. Perhaps for the last six months or more I've been on a kick. I suspect that's because I did so much reading in graduate school that, in order to recover from how brutally painful it all was, I've been trying to read stuff that is very fun. More like desert reading rather than full meals, if that makes sense. That isn't to say I've not read heavy stuff since grad school, but rather I've tried to focus on finding the joy in reading rather than other reasons.

Outside reading, I've just been playing RuneScape 3. Lately it's been Big Game Hunter and trying to raise my fletching high enough to create the Scrimshaw of Vampirism that I've got all the parts for but lack the skill to build.

Getting my fletching up to 90 was a pain, but finding out that the Elder logs needed are like 13,000 gold each, and they only resell for about half as much when you make bows - that was a gut punch. Rather than paying that much, I am just going to raise my woodcutting high enough that I can chop the elder trees myself.

I figured it would be prudent to upgrade my hatchet to a crystal hatchet, but that requires farming 4,000 harmonic dust. So as I write this, I am also tuning harms and collecting dust in prif. This is fine because it raises construction and crafting, two skills that I don't really enjoy training.

I've also been trying to raise my invention, but that's another one that is slow going. During a big game hunt, I was lucky enough to get a bunch of black salamanders as a drop. So I am trying to raise my ranged and also train up my invention skill by doing ED3 trash runs with the salamanders. I've got some t90 ranged armor, so all I need to do is just put in the time.

This is nice because it's much cheaper to run than paying the steep price of blood runs and using magic. So that's a bonus. But otherwise it's just been the grindy side of RS3. Grinding harmonic dust, then I will be grinding more woodcutting to get to 90. Fortunately I unlocked the VIP area of Menaphos so that'll make wc a little less painful.

But that's about it, internet friend. There was also a little vacation time where I took my family up for a day hike to Joshua Tree National Park. It was very nice and I am sure we will go again, perhaps even a few times.

Anyway, that's all I have to report this week, internet friend. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a nice day and a great week. Cheers!

Two dogs lying near one another
Two best friends!

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