Welcome internet friend

Howdy and welcome to my neocities page. I love this idea, and it seems like a great way to practice HTML and CSS! If you are interested in checking out my old blog, you can find that: here. I am moving all my blogging here, and I started posting here back in March of 2022. You can check the posts section above if you want to read some stuff. If you want to learn more about me or my projects, check out the nav bar. You will find that I write weekly update posts, and you can find all of them here.

At this point, this is my main blog/website so check back to see how it grows. Expect it to be a constant work in progress! I am pretty happy with the layout for now, and don't anticipate changing. However, the point of this website is to mess around and learn stuff, so expect the unexpected. I am also going to be sharing pictures of my dogs with each post, including this one. Check out the picture of my two best friends!

You can also find me over on Mastodon by clicking that link.

Finally, I hope you have a very nice day and a most excellent week.

Cheers, internet friend!

two dogs sleeping next to a rack with guitar and bass
Bruiser is the smaller of the two, and Bark Twain is the larger dog.
Bark loves Bruiser, and Bruiser pretends that he doesn't love Bark.